Next Gen It Talent
Our Industry

The automotive industry has had a long run of success based on its ability to seamlessly adapt to customer requirements in terms of technology and design. This has given rise to the highest levels of engineering being implemented in conjunction with technology that was futuristic and cutting-edge. As a part of this industry you are also a part of the change that this domain brings while new trends and discoveries are made in technology.
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SAVANCYS helps chemical companies achieve high performance in today’s changing world. We collaborate with leading chemical companies and suppliers to develop and execute global strategies, manage complexity and risk and drive innovation. We take an integrated approach that can deliver consistent, sustained business results—both today and tomorrow.
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Consumer Products
Right product at the right place, with the right price and at the right time is the number one business imperative of all consumer products companies. As markets become more complex and consumers become more demanding, marketing consumer products needs to go through a sea change. With this paradigm change, the need of the hour is to bring in processes and systems that are able to handle all the emerging challenges and also exploit market opportunities as they come up. This includes being able to act rapidly on strategic initiatives that are often driven by changing consumer, shopper, customer, supply chain and technology demands and their potential impact on profitability and growth.
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Energy, Resources & Utilities
The Energy, Natural Resources and Utilities industry is facing a host of daunting challenges and high volatility, driving the need to be nimble and agile, and is gravely impacting your profits. A host of new regulations and environmental requirements, along with emerging clean-energy regulations are causing regulatory complexity and a need for a simplified, enterprise-wide strategy. Add to these existing pressures to improve safety, reliability, operational efficiencies and customer satisfaction.
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High Tech industry is becoming increasingly competitive with new technologies being introduced sooner than ever before. Organizations are looking at optimizing their R&D cost without reducing their focus on innovation. To stay ahead in the highly competitive and dynamic High Tech industry, organizations have to innovate while minimizing time-to-market and optimizing investments. At SAVANCYS, we leverage our experience in Engineering Services, Business Process Transformation, end-to-end IT Solutions and Infrastructure Services to provide comprehensive solutions that will help you accelerate product innovation, achieve operational excellence, attain greater profitability and maintain market leadership.
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Enterprise-wide collaboration capabilities are the cornerstones of today’s manufacturing companies across the automobile, aerospace, hi-tech and industrial domains, among others. The global manufacturing scenario is rapidly changing, with companies spanning their operations across continents. Global manufacturers are trying to reduce operational expenditure, invest in process improvement, optimally utilize existing capacity and increase efficiencies while maintaining product quality and meeting safety and regulatory norms. The need for an efficient supply-chain network is driving companies to adopt sophisticated manufacturing IT solutions.
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Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare & Life Sciences
The healthcare industry today is very complicated. Its dependence on IT infrastructure is aimed to deliver better services to an increasingly product conscious consumer. The problems faced are enormous, from regulatory compliances to state and federal mandates, and the need to offer customized services. Besides, accuracy is a pre-requisite and any minor error can lead to severe consequences leading to negative brand value as well as legal complicacies. The need of the hour is to access a sophisticated and efficient system to address these challenges across all sectors in this industry.
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Wholesale Distribution
Wholesale distribution organizations are facing an extreme challenge on a daily basis, with a need to expand the scope of services they provide, adapt their business model, and this has a direct implication on their IT and their IT infrastructure. Coupled with globalization reflecting their customer base, there is an inept need for these organizations to be able to help their customers to be able to ship to their global locations efficiently, cost effectively, and also help the customers understand the local landscape a little better. Because of a lot of mergers and acquisitions, these organizations have a lot of TMS or WMS systems in-house at the moment and are not connected to each other which makes is nearly impossible for them to provide an end to end feasibility.
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